This is the 155th year of the Hartford Fair, an independent fair in Licking County, Ohio. One of the most popular events, the truck and tractor pull, will be at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, August 6, this year.
Some of the fun actually begins on the day before the Fair begins. On Saturday, August 3, the fairgrounds are open mainly for the entry of livestock and registration/set up of exhibitors. There are some scheduled meetings, crafts and games, retrievers' demonstrations, and a flower show, all leading up to the official Opening Ceremony at 6 p.m. followed by a parade at 6:30, musical entertainment at 9 p.m., and fireworks at 10 p.m. Many families will set up camp at the fairgrounds and stay all week while exhibiting their livestock or other agricultural entries in the Fair's competitions.
Judges will oversee contests of showmanship and quality among various breeds of animals including horses, cows, goats, rabbits, poultry, sheep, and swine. The fair is home to many other types of fun contests including:
- Rooster Crowing,
- Ice Cream Eating,
- Kids' M&M Cookie contest
- Cherry Pie contest,
- breads contest
- pedal tractor pull,
- school bus and pick-up truck races,
- antique tractor pull,
- turkey-calling contest,
- frog "jump-off",
- wild game cook-off,
- sweets and greens cook-off,
- harness racing,
- motorcycle racing,
- motocross racing
- goat obstacle-course contest,
- demolition derby
Exhibits, exhibits galore, and all will be judged! Animals, fruits and vegetables, baked goods, gems, classic cars, crafts, insects, you name it--you can find it at the Hartford Fair.
Traditional attractions including food vendors, games, rides, and musical entertainment mingle with the exhibits all week long
Besides being so much fun, the Fair can be educational as well. You can learn about recycling, organic gardening, composting, pollination, attend a church service, and donate blood, all in the same week.Hartford Fair Website