There has been so much going on in the world, that it is easy to get lost in the shuffle! November in the US has been filled with anticipation and aftermath of the Presidential election, interrupted by the huge tragedy of Hurricane Sandy in the northeastern US, which is still affecting people there to this day. Just to add to the anxiety of the already hectic season as we think about the holidays, there is the sex scandal in the CIA and the erupting war in the Middle East, Gaza, affecting Israel, Egypt, Syria, Palestine. Continued bombing in Iraq and Afghanistan putting our troops in danger.........and the looming "fiscal cliff" endangering our fragile economy in the US, even as the price of gold is soaring. Some factories are closing, including Hostess, but new businesses keep forming. Many people are hoarding food and supplies underground for that doomsday scenario that isn't hard to imagine with all the troubles we see today,
Despite all the tension in the US and the world right now, the human spirit seems alive and well. School children are bringing home report cards making parents proud, school pictures show smiling faces of graduating high school seniors, prayers are being said for our troops, our friends and family, and even people we do not know who are suffering the many troubles here and everywhere. People are getting married, having babies, and buying houses....not always in that particular order, of course!
This weekend, families are out with their children, hunting in the woods for deer, a tradition in our rural area, with this weekend designated as "deer-gun" season for children who are licensed to hunt. It is an exciting time for families, and cherished memories will be talked about for years to come.
And people are buying food for their Thanksgiving feasts, looking forward to visiting with family and friends, and thanking God for all they have to be thankful for in their lives. Some are already looking forward to Christmas and Chanukah, which are right around the corner in December!
Homer Village Market is open today, a sunny Sunday in November, to be part of the family tradition of being outdoors this weekend! Normally closed on Sunday and Monday, today the store will be open until about noon, and tomorrow the store will be open part of the day.
I am thankful for all my loyal customers and friends and family who have been supporting my efforts to have a store in Homer for the community and all the people passing through on this busy highway for over six years now. Many of you will be enjoying a leg of lamb for Thanksgiving, or maybe venison stew or roasts to celebrate the harvest season. It is fun to try sometihng new, and let some of those turkeys have a holiday too!
Have a Happy Thanksgiving! The store will probably be open Thursday and Friday with reduced hours, so please stop by or phone ahead!