The joke is on me, apparently. Where did March go? I see that I have not posted any updates since the end of February. Perhaps I missed March entirely.
I recall that March had many ups and downs in the weather and several natural disasters and other emergencies that grabbed everyone's attention. I recall a 60-car pileup on the Ohio turnpike due to slick roads and poor visibility.....I remember temps near 50 one day then below zero the next...65 degrees one day then snow the next. Most recently, Earthquakes in LA, Mudslides in Washington, Skirmishes in the Ukraine, Obamacare deadline, local tragedies of boat capsizing at Buckeye Lake, local tragedy of poisoned lab retrievers in their kennel, widespread sweeps by local authorities serving drug warrants, lots and lots of beer moving in the store...and then there were even a couple of days in a row that our flock of sheep escaped the pasture for "greener pastures" in the neighborhood. Twice in March the store ran out of "Bud Light." I am glad this did not cause a local tragedy such as a riot...
Good riddance to March, I say! Welcome April!
Looking forward to milder temperatures and blossoms. Not looking forward to the rain and mud that Spring brings every year. Not looking forward to the income tax deadline. Looking forward to Easter!
Here's hoping there will be lots of sunshine, daffodils, and happy times for everyone during April 2014!