Wednesday, August 27, 2014

More about Beer

Homer Village Market began selling beer and wine in February 2014, as many of you know.  It has been an interesting journey to discover what beer and wine brands customers prefer.  Even more interesting has been researching all the beer and wine brands available from the major distributors in Ohio.

The internet makes research fascinating and exhaustive.  Breweries and Wineries generally have websites and Facebook pages.  They frequently post links to articles about beer and wine brands, cooking with beer or wine, or results of beer and wine competitions from around the nation and around the globe.  What better way to discover a new beer or wine to try than to read about other people's experiences and recommendations!

Here are a few interesting links I came across today regarding beer.  I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I did!  Where does your state rank for beer in list of "Best Beers in America?"    Ohio ranks #12.

Or how about this article which is a sort of "bucket list" of beers to drink before you die!  I was surprised to see Miller High Life on the author's list.  I might have to taste that one for myself!  I see in the picture that particular bottle has a Harley Davidson emblem.  The only person I know who loves to drink Miller High Life also loves his Harley....I presume there must be some connection between the two brands.....that will be my next research project on a rainy day!

It is also fun to read beer reviews on the Beer Advocate website.  Sometimes you can find beers similar in style to ones you already know and love.  If you are hesitant to buy a whole pack of a beer brand you have never tasted, because you fear you will be stuck with the rest if you don't like it, you could always go to a local bar that has an extensive beer list, and try just one.  In our area, Brew's CafĂ© has a rather extensive beer menu.  I hope you will experiment with a few new styles of beer and wine just to be sure you don't miss anything fabulous! 

Did you know that some beer actually tastes good with various kinds of cheese?  Usually one thinks of wine paired with cheese and beer paired with chips or peanuts or maybe hot dogs and burgers.  Cooking with wine and beer is also an adventure.  I love using beer to cook bratwurst.  Dry white wine can make great soup with the addition of herbs, seafood, and vegetables.  Dry red wine makes a good marinade ingredient and also a good addition to sauces for pasta or meaty gravy.  Sweet red wine can be used in desserts such as fudge brownie recipes, red velvet cake recipes, or frozen into a slush to make a pure wine dessert! 

If you want to try something new or pick up some of your favorite brands, please stop by the store and check out our selection!  Thanks for reading, and thanks for shopping in the store!

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